My Story
My Dad used to cruise the weird grocery store and come up with some very odd items. A case of green Hi-C, a box of Ooboperoos “cereal”, too many cans of deviled ham.
He loved the mark-down stickers on packets of meat , and the dented can kiosk. On any grocery list, along with the household staples, was “Targets of Opportunity.” He had the foresight to see a strange can of something and wonder…what if? Of course my Mom was the one who had to make the meal. He was only good for cheese sandwiches, omelets and Slop on a Shingle.
There was a time in my life where I was incredibly broke. I had to buy groceries for a week for only $20. Even in 1992 that wasn’t a lot of money. You have to be aware of all of your options to ensure that you eat well, in all senses of the word. Targets of Opportunity factored into my plans in a big way.
Today, grocery shopping is my hobby. I study ads, drive to specialty shops and in addition to looking for interesting new things, try to get the best bargains on things. Then I take it home and cook it. So you can watch me do my shopping, and my cooking.
No the cats aren’t allowed on the counters. But then again, how are you going to stop them?